Corfe Castle: Dorset Coast Photography Courses

Corfe Castle: Dorset Coast Photography Courses

Corfe Castle Misty

Corfe Castle is stunning on any day, but when the circumstances are just right, the photos you can capture will be breathtaking. I have just come back from a running three different one-day photography courses on the Dorset coast. What a wonderful three days it was.

Corfe Castle Sunset Dorset Mist

We had a couple of fantastic sunsets and a wonderful sunrise at Corfe Castle. Not only was it a decent sunrise but we also had bands of mist. What fantastic atmospheric conditions for landscape photography.

I met many lovely photographers spread over the three one-day photography courses which made running them a real pleasure.

Corfe Castle Misty Sunrise Corfe Castle Misty Dawn

I’m already looking forward to getting back to the Dorset coast to run similar workshops in February next year.

Dorset Misty Sea


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