Sunrise and sunset photography in Norfolk
I had a brilliant time running a three-day photography course in Norfolk last week. I love the big skies and variety of locations that Norfolk has to offer.
We were very lucky with the weather. Over the course of the three days we had a couple of good sunrise shoots and three good sunsets. Sunrises and sunsets can be spectacular in Norfolk. It’s those wide open spaces and rivers and coastline that reflect those big skies. I always find a reflective surface such as water really lifts a picture. It’s something to look out for at all times I think.
There are so many subjects to point the camera at from Cromer pier to windmills and wind pumps, old wrecked boats and ruined churches and abbeys.
So Norfolk was very kind to us although the morning sunrise shoots were a bit nippy. I did get wet feet once as a big wave came in and soaked me! But you have to suffer for your art don’t you?
I shall be back in Norfolk in December for my grey seal photography workshops. These are limited to just two students per course so as not to stress these beautiful animals. Very much looking forward to being on those wide open beaches once more.