Suffolk’s hidden coast.

Suffolk’s hidden coast.

Suffolk’s hidden coast.


I had a brilliant time looking for new locations on the Suffolk coast a couple of days ago.  I started off with a river estuary and photographed an old wrecked boat.  It was just after sunrise,  which in some ways was slightly early for this location because the sun’s rays were blocked out by a line of trees making the wreck appear in the shade.  I needed to be ready to photograph the boat at this time because it had to be about an hour or so after high tide. This meant that I could use a slow shutter speed to blur the movement of the water around the old boat. I was really pleased with the resulting image even though the wreck didn’t have direct sunlight on it. Shot number one in the bag.


The next stop was the Suffolk coast where I found some absolutely fantastic broken and weathered sea defences. More images using a slow shutter speed followed. I was careful not to set too slow a shutter speed because I wanted to record the movement of the waves as a streaky blur. What I did not want was a completely smooth sea around the sea defences. 

My last location of the day was an area of forest and heathland which I absolutely loved. I arrived with perfect light for what I had in mind. I wanted to back-light the straight pine trees. This meant that I could use the shadows of the trees to lead the viewer into the image. After walking around for a while I found my composition.  Again I was very pleased with the resulting image.


So, all in all I had a very memorable day exploring Suffolk, one of my favourite counties.


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