Photography at Welney Marshes

Photography at Welney Marshes

I visited Welney marshes with a photographer friend on a crisp, bright winters day. I’ve been to Welney a number of times and I think it’s a fantastic nature reserve.
The main attraction at Welney in the winter are the swans. The majority of swans are whooper swans which come from Iceland to escape the harsh climate at this time of the year. There are smaller numbers of bewick’s swans which fly in from the Russian tundra. There are also our own mute swans which are common all year round.
It was one of those days that you get in winter when the light was good all day. So it was a case of waiting for something to happen. I already have many images of swans flying in formation against a winter sky. One of the things I hadn’t captured yet was the swans touching beaks, which forms a heart shape. Very photogenic. I managed to get that shot which made the trip a success I think.
I would really recommend to trip to Welney, there’s a great variety of wildlife there and the animals that you can spot changes from season to season although winter is my personal favourite.


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