Frosty Morning Photography
The Christmas holiday proved to be a very relaxed time for me. On the run up to Christmas our business is always very busy and after a generally hectic year a good rest was perfect.
I didn’t really get out and do much in the way of photography. Just spent time with my family, played games and watched TV.
After looking out of the window early one morning and seeing that a good frost had settled I started thinking about photography again. There’s nothing like a frost and good early-morning light for getting a photographer out and about.
The next morning was forecast to be frosty with good light once again, so I set the alarm and hoped the weathermen were right. True to their word the next morning was bright and frosty. Fantastic.
I had already planned where to go. I didn’t want to have a long journey so a local location was necessary. I think the river Chelmer is one of Essex’s most photogenic locations and I have wanted to photograph the church at Ulting and its reflection for some time.
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The conditions were perfect for the shot I had in mind. Frosty, good early- morning light and very still. I played around with the composition, made sure I had the right depth of field and took a few light readings. It was then just a matter of waiting for the sun to peep around a stand of trees so that my foreground was illuminated.
I think the combination of frosty conditions, warm winter light and still water leading to an almost perfect reflection of the church work well for these images.
I had a lovely morning standing on the banks of the Chelmer taking photographs. A great way to end 2014.